Thursday, February 17, 2011


That's The Way Love Is 

In the name of time that we spend all days and nights...
In the name of days that we spend all months and years...

This comes through the way we are...
This runs on the things we do...
This fills up the life we live...

This only one thing we never think to come
This only a duty we never think to run
This only a life we never think to fill

This is the way we care
This is the spirit we share
This is the love we truly aware..

It set us to be cool
To attend the duty at school
Nor days or nights are null
When knowledge must be full.

best presented to all students of SASI

Mahabah #1

Tengoklah relung hatimu paling dalam...
Adakah cahaya terpancar disana?.

Jika mata kita tak silau akan gemerlap dunia..
Jika telinga kita tak pekak hingar bingar dunia...

Niscaya sinar itu kan memancar benderang...
Niscaya bisikan itu kan merecah kesunyian jiwa ...
Lembut... dan mulia...

Basuh muka tangan kaki dan telinga....
Rasakan cipta rasa Sang Kuasa...
Niscaya jiwa kan terlena dalam dekapan-Nya..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Buat Anak2 SASI Khususnya kelas XII dapat mengakses berbagai PTN dan PTS untuk mengetahui berbagai informasi: akademis, fakultas dan jurusan, serta Seleksi Penerimaan Siswa Baru., berikut ini link-link yang sudah kita buat. (yang belom ada link-nya, maaf cari ndiri..)

Monday, February 7, 2011

rainy februari

It rained early february soil moist earth indramayu hopefully a lot of rain this time to give a blessing for us all ... with the arrival of rain means of livelihood for most rice farmers ... the irony is not sailing fishermen because of rain but it all was a blessing and spinning wheel blessing where there is sometimes a blessing when we get it we also do not get it ...

but all that should be thankful because god look at how we respond if we do not get the blessing, and what if we get the blessing ... the value of gratitude can be seen there

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